Implementation of our Club Health Check Survey suggestions
Life Membership – Criteria
Club Survey Suggestions to be implemented
- To Restart discussions with local Probus clubs to share trips and tours to secure critical numbers for bus hire and discounts.
- Start a movie Interest Group – We are trialling a morning visit to the Palace Brighton Bay cinema on 11 October.
- More opportunities to meet other Members – The Committee supports provision of more opportunities for Members to mix with and meet recently joined members. Henceforward, informal booking of places at lunch tables is discouraged. To achieve a similar outcome, group seating requests at major social functions will not be entertained and members and their partners will be randomly allocated to tables by our Functions Coordinator.
Life Membership – Criteria
A Member recently suggested to the Committee that a fellow Member be considered for Life Membership.
Life Membership is the greatest honour the Club can confer on a Member and has only been awarded on 4 occasions previously, the last person receiving this accolade for “outstanding service rendered” being Barry Amond in 2010.
Our Constitution and Standing Resolutions are imprecise on the definition of outstanding service and vague on nomination and assessment procedures. At the August Committee meeting, criteria for nomination and assessment for Life Membership and a nomination form were approved.
The key criterion for nomination is sustained outstanding service for a minimum of 10 years. In order to maintain the prestigious position of Life Member, there will be a maximum of 5 at any one time.
The Nomination Form is published in the Members Section of the Club website. CLICK HERE (note: In Member Section, enter the Password, then click Club Documents (blue box) then click Life Membership Criteria & Form)
Detailed criteria are summarised below:
- Life membership may be conferred upon a member who has rendered sustained outstanding service to the Club.
- Outstanding can mean exceptional, excellent or first rate and service can mean duty, support or assistance. It should take into account offices held, interest groups led and support of groups, functions and activities
- Sustained means for a continuous period of 10 years minimum.
- A nomination for Life Membership shall be submitted on the attached form signed by the proposer and seconder to the Secretary for consideration by the Committee.
- A sub-committee of 3 will be appointed by the Committee to review the nomination. One of the sub-committee shall have equal or longer membership in the Club than the nominee. The sub-committee shall make a recommendation within 2 months to the Committee. When approved by the Committee, the nomination shall be referred to the next general meeting of the Club for confirmation.
- Life members shall not be required to pay the annual fee
- There shall be a maximum of 5 life members at any one time.
- The Committee shall consider annually if any member warrants life member nomination.