Music and Opera Groups
Leader Barry Amond
In May 2023, Margaret and I decided that we would like to resurrect the music group in a smaller way to suit our new home in Beaumaris. There is a limited capacity of 18 and about twice that number of members and partners have shown interest so there will be two Sunday afternoon meetings with the same program. The format will evolve but it is likely that there will be two or three programs each year during the cooler months.
The original Music and Opera Groups
Barry ran the Music and Opera Group for 20 years in their Black Rock home.
In November 2000 we celebrated our 20 year anniversary with a Zoom meeting attended by 27 members and partners.
20 years is a long time and although I have greatly enjoyed the work involved in sourcing and editing the music it now seems an opportune time to stop. In some ways our move from Black Rock led to this decision. It was an unexpected bonus when Margaret’s art studio doubled as an intimate concert hall but when we changed to Beaumaris Library it was no longer the same.
In total we had 124 evenings with videos of 90 composers and most of the better known operas. Among the evenings were 13 annual parties combining music with a sit-down meal in our garden.
Here is a photo of one of the 124 music group meetings held at Barry and Margaret Amond’s home in Black Rock