A brief profile of Noel Ineson

Noel and Gwen Ineson

Noel was born in Perth, W.A., where he attended Scotch College and the University of W.A. He graduated with 1st class Honours in mechanical and electrical engineering.
He then spent 2 years in the outback at Mt Isa mines as a project engineer on the new Copper ore body development. He then applied and was awarded a 3-year fellowship in production engineering at Vickers Armstrong in Newcastle on Tyne.

Whilst in England, he bought a 350cc BSA motor bike and travelled extensively with friends around UK and Europe including skiing on the fiords in Norway.

In 1954 he joined Vickers Ruwolt, a large diversified machinery manufacturer with a 1,500 strong workforce as a design engineer and remained there for 25 years, the latter 15 as Managing Director.

During this period, he headed up an Australian trade mission to Indonesia and served on a defence advisory committee.

He then spent 15 years as a private consultant. Typical assignments included 4 years resolving operation problems at the South Australian public transport authority and 2 years correcting production faults at the Laminex production plant at Wagga Wagga.

Noel and his wife Gwen have 3 children, 7 grand children and 2 great grandchildren. They caravanned extensively around Australia and enjoyed many International holidays. He is a keen woodworker making many articles for the home and children.
He enjoys bike riding, gym, Tai chi, U3A and 2 delightful cavoodles.

Noel was Beaumaris Probus Club Secretary for 2 years, Finance group Chairman, Newsletter speaker Recorder, President in 2008 when the Candlelight dinner was started and creator of the  Bike Group.
Noel was made a Life member in 2018 for his services to our Club.

He is currently the Almoner and every month he has us in stitches with his jokes. Some say he is Jack Benny reborn!

Did you know Noels Jokes are all here on this website?  Click here