Martyn is married to Christina and they have had 5 children and have a number of grand and great children.
They have lived in Beaumaris/Black Rock since 1984 and so now view themselves as locals.
Martyn has a Bachelor of Commerce and is a CPA.
Martyn had a career in Finance and senior management, which included 14 years as Managing Director of IOOF. After leaving IOOF they formed their own company and through that company managed 3 organisations that owned 15 Pharmacies across Greater Melbourne.
At the same time they managed an industry association, organising conferences, influencing legislative changes through intensive political lobbying and conducted training sessions for directors and senior management.
Since they retired and closed the company, Martyn has served on a number of Boards, two as Chairman both for extended periods of time.
Of late Martyn has directed his energies to assisting charity groups, which include Neighbourhood Watch 3193, where he acts as Treasurer, Australian Canine Rehab Association, which is an association which assists in the rehabilitation of injured dogs, the Victorian Feltmakers Inc, which assists mainly senior women by offering courses to assist in there later lives, and finally Greyhound Safety Net, which rescues ex-racing greyhounds and finds homes for them after they have been fostered and socialised -All the positions are voluntary.
Martyn’s interests are golf, fishing, bike riding, reading and the Collingwood Football Club.
He has been a member of Southern Golf Club since 1987 and is a long term member of Collingwood.