I am a semi-retired lawyer and economist, former University lecturer and administrator and Deputy University Secretary at the University of Melbourne. I am married to Diana, a former Speech and Drama teacher and currently a part time music teacher and we have five grown up children. We have lived in Beaumaris for a number of years and are involved in several community activities. I am a member of Melbourne Rotary and we are both members of the U3A ‘wine appreciation club”!
We enjoy social activities which include attending music concerts and social dancing. It was our social dancing that led us to be invited to travel with Qantas to Santiago in Chile to film an advertisement for Qantas promoting the Qantas Frequent Flyer club. I am a keen ‘Lions” supporter, as a former Fitzroy supporter, and still recovery from a poor finals performance!
Overseas travel has been an important part of our lifestyle prior to COVID and we are very keen to be able to resume this activity. I have a long outstanding invitation to take up an honorary membership as a Freeman of the City of London. As a Freeman of the City of London I will have some interesting entitlements such as being allowed to take my sheep across London Bridge once a year and being ’hung with a silken scarf’! This award follows the several years I spent in London as International President of the Chartered Institute of Company Secretaries and my heavy involvement with corporate governance internationally, particularly in the UK, NZ, Canada and Singapore.
I am currently working part-time with the Central Bayside Community Heath Service and very much enjoy my involvement in providing support to such a very worthwhile community group. I also work with a Venture Capital company established by a consortium of Australian Universties to provide funding for early seed university research activities. I was a foundation member and Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of the Marine Science and Education Centre at Ricketts Point.
Diana and I are looking forward to being involved with Beaumaris Probus and being able to join in the many social activities planned by the group when the current COVID lockdown is finished.