Beaumaris Probus 2022 AFL Footy Tipping Competition!!!
 Season Starts Wednesday March 16!!!
Cost to cover prizes – $30.00

Who can play: The competition is open to Members and wives/partners – playing individually or as a team.

What’s involved: The competition will be run using the ESPNfootytips website – our comp is called “BP AFL Tipping Comp”.  You enter your tips before the start of each round.

How to join:


  • Email me ( advising you wish to participate and I will send you ESPNfootytips website account creation instructions and information on how to join the “BP AFL Tipping Comp” 


  • Click this link to access our ESPNfootytips website account creation instructions and information on how to join the “BP AFL Tipping Comp (no need to email me, when you register for our comp I will be notified by ESPN)

Fee is $30

  • Please pay the competition fee of $30 into the Beaumaris Probus bank account.
  • Please pay before the season starts (paying promptly helps our Treasurer greatly!)

Aim of Competition

  • To have some lighthearted fun by promoting good natured banter and bragging rights during our sometimes harsh Melbourne winter!

Competition Key Features

  • Recognition of achievement as follows:
    • Overall Standings – Highest, Second Highest & Third Highest tipping totals
    • ‘Quarterly’ Standings (4 Blocks) – Highest & Second Highest tipping totals
    • Booby Prize – The Player(s) with the FOURTH LOWEST aggregate for the season will be awarded the ‘Booby Prize’

(NB each level can have multiple tippers e.g. 3 Tippers may each have the highest number of tips, accordingly those 3 would be acknowledged equally)

Distribution of Prizes

  • Prizes presented to ‘winners/achievers’ during a function at the end of the season e.g. during the lunch following the General Meeting in September.
  • Click this link to see the full details of the methodology for prize allocations.

Need More Information?

If you have any questions please contact me via email or call my mobile: 0410 32 75 87.

I hope to receive many nominations, best regards to all, Leo