Get involved in your Club's activities - we need your help!
We need members to get involved and to take over the following:
Newsletter – Peter has been writing our newsletter for 15 years- Please someone, come forward to help him to hand it over! Email Peter McGregor on peterb64@bigpond.net.au
Website – Geoff Bransbury started our website in 2016 and wants a deputy to help keep it up-to-date and to improve it. He will help train you and hopefully you will take it over at some stage! email Geoff Bransbury gbransbury@gmail.com
Functions and Visits – Traditionally this has been a two man team with a Functions Coordinator and an Assistant. Geoff Bransbury and Ken Beadle currently jointly perform these roles. We need NEW BLOOD and wish to hand over. We will of course assist you. Your fresh ideas will add new life to our club. Email Geoff Bransbury on gbransbury@gmail.com or Ken Beadle on kenbeadle@optusnet.com.au