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Summary of our Functions and Visits
There are a wide variety of things happening every month for Beaumaris Probus Members
2017 Program of Events (Click here) – Note: This is a preliminary plan from March 2017 – February 2018. It may change. Check the Calendar or ask John Beaty or John Green
This section provides a summary of the main Club functions, outings and other events that are organised for our members. For more information on each, click on the underlined item below. For details of forthcoming events and activities either visit the Newsletter or the Calendar on the main menu bar.
- Major Annual Club Functions
- Mid-Year “Candlelight Dinner” Registrations closed from 16 June 2018
- Presidents Christmas Lunch
- Croquet Competition and Spit Roast
- Trips
- Day visits to places of interest
- Visits to exhibitions and art galleries
- Extended Australian Trips
- Overseas Trips
- Theatre Visits